Job offer Ligno-01-2025 | Freie Uni­ver­si­tät Ber­lin
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Freie Uni­ver­si­tät Ber­lin

Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie - Institut für Chemie und Biochemie - AG Chandna / AG Block

Research assistant (praedoc) (m/f/d)

with 65% part-time job
limited to 31.03.2029
salary grade (Entgeltgruppe) 13 TV-L FU
reference code: Ligno-01-2025


The research activities will primarily involve working on Volkswagen Circularity-funded project on recycled and biogenic resources ‘Lignocide’, in the group of Dr. Sanjam Chandna. This interdisciplinary project focuses on lignin functionalization and development of biomaterials for application in agriculture. The successful applicant will gain experience on developing bioinspired hydrogels, nanomaterials and performing life cycle assessment. Furthermore, the successful applicant will be associated to the graduate school of the CRC 1449, offering access to a dynamic and interdisciplinary research network as well as to soft skills workshops and career development programs (supporting professional growth).


Master or diploma degree in chemistry, biochemistry, materials science or a related discipline.


  • Very good Master's degree or diploma in chemistry, biochemistry, materials science or a related discipline
  • Experience with biopolymers (e.g. Lignin) with good knowledge of polymer chemistry, such as functionalization of polymers and hydrogel synthesis
  • Experience in sustainability, circular materials, and green chemistry
  • Experience in plant pathology or antimicrobial assays
  • High motivation for independent scientific work
  • Very good written and spoken English skills

How to apply

For further information, please contact Dr. Sanjam Chandna ( / +49 30 838 72508).

Applications should be sent by e-mail, together with significant documents, indicating the reference code, no later than April 14th, 2025 in PDF format (preferably as one document) to Dr. Sanjam Chandna: or postal to

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie
Institut für Chemie und Biochemie
AG Chandna / AG Block
Dr. Sanjam Chandna
Arnimallee 22
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

With an electronic application, you acknowledge that FU Berlin saves and processes your data.
FU Berlin cannot guarantee the security of your personal data if you send your application over an unencrypted connection.
Freie Universität Berlin is an equal opportunity employer.


Published 24.03.2025
Category Research assistant
Location Germany, Berlin, Berlin
Area of responsibility Chemistry, Research, Natural sciences
Start date (earliest) Earliest possible
Duration limited to 31.03.2029
Full/Part-time 65% part-time job
Remuneration salary grade (Entgeltgruppe) 13 TV-L FU
Working language and expected level
  • English (Very good command of the language)


Field of study Biochemistry, Chemistry, Materials science


Reference number Ligno-01-2025
Contact person Dr. Sanjam Chandna
Contact email
Contact phone number +49 30 838 72508


Application deadline 14.04.2025
Reference number Ligno-01-2025
By post

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie
Institut für Chemie und Biochemie
AG Chandna / AG Block
Frau Dr. Sanjam Chandna
Arnimallee 22
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

By email