Job offer IV-140/25 | Technische Universität Berlin
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Technische Universität Berlin

Faculty IV

Technische Universität Berlin – Faculty IV – Institute of Software Engineering and Theoretical Computer Science has a vacancy

for a university professorship – pay grade W3

for the in the field of Algorithmics and Complexity Theory.


Teaching and research in the field of algorithmics and complexity theory in at least one of the following specializations:

  • Algorithm theory
  • Algorithm engineering
  • Computational complexity theory

The successful candidate is expected to teach courses in the bachelor's program in Computer Science as well as in algorithmics and computational complexity theory in postgraduate studies.
Applicants must be able to teach courses in German and English.

The successful candidate will be expected to offer and supervise research activities for final theses and doctoral theses. The professorship also entails the acquisition and management of third-party funded projects and close cooperation with other academic chairs/research groups at the faculty in theoretical computer science, software engineering, and communications.

Further responsibilities include leading and managing the research group and its staff; supporting the advancement of junior scholars, women, and diversity; knowledge or technology transfer; initiatives to promote internationalization; gender and diversity competence and sustainability-oriented action; as well as committee work.


Hiring requirements:
The candidate must fulfill the hiring requirements pursuant to Section 100 of the Berlin State Higher Education Act (BerlHG). These include a university degree with a relevant specialization; a pronounced aptitude for academic work, generally demonstrated by the quality of the candidate's doctorate; additional academic achievements, generally demonstrated by a positively evaluated junior professorship, Habilitation, or equivalent achievement; and an aptitude for teaching documented by a teaching portfolio (for further information regarding teaching portfolios, please see the following TU Berlin web page:

Candidates must have a proven track record of high-level international publications and successful acquisition of third-party research funding.

Desirable competences:
Technische Universität Berlin expects its professors to possess the ability to head their academic chair/research group, manage its staff, and assume responsibility for its strategic development. For us, this includes commitment to the advancement of junior scholars and women, the gender and diversity competence required to create diversity-sensitive working and study conditions, providing fresh impetus in research and teaching, and participating in academic self-administration. Experience in interdisciplinary cooperation, scientific communication, and knowledge and/or technology transfer is preferable.

As a university with an international profile, we require our professors to teach in German and English or be willing to acquire the language skills they lack within a reasonable period of time.
Technische Universität Berlin has approximately 35,000 students, 350 professors, and 7,000 staff, and is a University of Excellence within the Berlin University Alliance. We very much value the diversity of our members and are committed to equal opportunities. We are a certified family-friendly university and our Dual Career Service can assist you and your family with your move to Berlin.

How to apply

Technische Universität Berlin is seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and actively encourages applications from suitably qualified female candidates. Preference will be given to applicants with severe disabilities who equally fulfill the requirements of the position.

TU Berlin is taking steps to make appointment procedures more equitable and has created a form to take academic age into account in appointment procedures as part of a pilot project. We kindly ask you to complete the form. You can download it as an Excel file from the following web page:

Please submit your application by 09.05.2025 quoting the reference IV-140/25 with the relevant documents (CV, references,
research concept, teaching portfolio incl. teaching concept, list of publications, your 5 most significant publications, and documents demonstrating projects with third-party funding which you have implemented or applied for) as a PDF via email to the dean of Faculty IV, Professor Marc Alexa at
If you would prefer to submit your application as a hard copy, please include a digital version on a USB stick and address the application to Technische Universität Berlin – Die Präsidentin – Dekan der Fakultät IV, Prof. Marc Alexa, Sekr. MAR 6-1, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin.

Your application cannot be returned to you for financial reasons. Please only submit copies of documents, not originals.

By submitting your application via email, you consent to having your data electronically processed and saved. Please note that we cannot guarantee the protection of your personal data when submitted as an unprotected file. Data protection information on the processing of your data in accordance with the GDPR can be found on the website of the personnel department: or quick access: 214041.


Published 28.03.2025
Number of employees ca. 7000
Category Graduate position, Professorship
Location Germany, Berlin, Berlin, Charlottenburg
Area of responsibility Education, Research, Teaching (university)
Start date (earliest) Earliest possible
Duration permanent
Full/Part-time full-time, part-time employment may be possible
Remuneration Salary grade W3


Qualification Master, Diplom or equivalent and PhD


Application deadline 09.05.2025
Reference number IV-140/25
By post

Technische Universität Berlin
- Die Präsidentin -
Dekan der Fakultät IV, Prof. Marc Alexa,Sekr. MAR 6-1, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin

By email